World English | La scuola di Inglese a Genova


World English sas was founded in 1992 and organises courses of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) both in its school in Via L. Lanfranconi 5/2, 16121 Genova and in various companies around the city. It teaches both general and specialist (business, commercial, medical, technical etc.) courses.

Our teachers are all mother tongue and specialised in teaching English to foreign students (especially Italians) and have many years of experience.

Our classes are small (maximum 6 students) so you are closely followed.

Come Contattarci

Siamo a tua completa disposizione per ogni informazione sulla scuola e sui servizi offerti.

Il nostro indirizzo:
Via Lanfranconi 5/2, 16121 Genova.
Telefono e fax: 010 587069

La scuola è aperta tutti i giorni, dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 20.00.